Monday, October 1, 2012


For a number of reasons!

This past weekend so was sooooo busy! Sorry I've been MIA.

So I'll start from the beginning. On Thursday, we threw a surprise baby shower for my boss here at work. It was a potluck lunch, which turned out to be fantastic since she had no idea. Here's a picture of the cake:

She got some fantastic loot too. People are really generous.

I was asked if it is difficult to throw baby showers and do all this work for people knowing that I'm on my 9th month of trying. Absolutely. It's harder every.single.month. Especially because it seems like almost everyday someone else gets that BFP.

BUT. I really believe that if I keep my chin up and do good by others, what goes around comes around. So I'm hoping that doing all of this will bring me some good juju. Yes I'm completely frustrated. But I'm praying. And trying to do the right thing. And I'm genuinely happy for people. That I cannot conceal.

Friday and Saturday was jammed packed going to dog shows. We went to watch the breeder that I got Cira from compete. Cira had a blast. She was sooooo good and slept sooo well when we got home. She's such a diva and LOVES being the center of attention. Here's a pic of her Saturday afternoon; she was ready to go home and boy did she crash!

It was still slightly hot for her. It was about 74 on Saturday. She also needs a haircut soon. She's looking slightly shaggy.

Sunday we mostly lounged around the house. It was fantastic. It's been a while since that has happened for us. I think I captured Cira perfectly on a relaxing Sunday.

Most of you that are friends with me on FB saw this already (if we're not friends, what are you waiting for?). But I can't help AW my pup. She's my girl! I have no know idea how that is comfortable; but she is totally KTFO. She didn't even move when I got up.

This past weekend was my FW. I'm pretty sure it's ending today. Yesterday I got the darkest OPK I've ever seen. This is my monitor and my OPK from FMU yesterday (about 7 am):

I seriously should've taken a pic of the one I took at 11am. It was even darker. DARK purple. This cycle and last cycle were the darkest OPK's I've ever had. I'm hoping that means something good. I'm more optimistic this cycle as we had incredible timing with the majority of my FW being over the weekend. We'll see what happens.

On this Monday, I need to ask for some special prayers if you have an extra moment. My college roommate found out that her grandma has been diagnosed with colon cancer. If you have a spare moment, please say a little prayer for her grandma. She's affectionately known as BB. BB is an incredibly spirited and lively woman. (She's also a FANTASTIC dresser!) If you ever spent 5 minutes with that woman you would lover her instantly. And does she know how to have a good time! Her smile is infectious. The world needs more people like her.

For my TTGP lovelies, here is our inspiration on this Monday:

As we've all learned - it takes strength on this journey - something I believe ALL of you have an incredible amount of!


  1. That was very sweet of you to help throw the baby shower. I'm officially avoiding every baby shower possible lately. Also, Cira is adorable!!! Question, what kind of monitor is that, how much, and is it worth it?

  2. Thanks L! It takes a lot to grin and bare the baby showers but I just dig deep and do it.

    It's the ClearBlueEasy Fertility Monitor. I ordered mine from I got the monitor; tons of pee sticks and digital HPT's in the entire package. I think it was around $150 for everything. I'm a prime member so I got it for cheaper and free two day shipping. That was awesome.

    I really love it - the best thing about it is that it gives me more "warning" when I'm entering my FW. For example, this cycle, it gave me three days of high (O-4 to O-2) then my peak reading on O-1. Today is O day! Like I said, the best part about it is the "warning" it gives to say "hey start banging!" Especially since my CM and temps aren't the same every month. I call it "fertile window for dummies." Lemme know if I can help or if you have more questions! <3

  3. Hey! I'm planning to get the monitor next cycle! Wanted to wait for the tests first.

    That baby shower cake is so adorable! Oh and so is your fur bebe :)

    1. thanks Patty! you'll have to let me know how you like the monitor. I really do love it! :-)

  4. Dude! Cira is amazeballs and I want to snuggle her. =) She is just too cute passed out like that on the couch.

    That cake is awesome. Did you make that? You have some serious talent if you did. You also did a very good deed by throwing the baby shower for your boss. I believe in the good juju and you definitely earned some for being a good human. =)

    1. LOL! I love that you called Cira amazeballs. But she is pretty awesome. I've had her since she was 10 weeks old; I find myself talking to her like she's my best girlfriend or something! She is amazeballs! :D

      Yes, I made the cake - it was a lot of work, but totally worth it. I love baking; it's my hobby. I just don't get to it as much as I used to! I keep it on the DL too so my friends won't all hit me up for freebies! LOL!

  5. You are an AMAZING woman! :) Your time is coming!!! FX for you this cycle!

  6. I <3 you so much! Keep up the positive!! :)

    1. Thanks Anna! Love you too!! Keep those twins healthy! Eat more chocolate! <3 you!
