Thursday, October 25, 2012

so busy!

I'm sorry I haven't been around. I've been slammed at work. Since my boss had her baby 10 days early we have been SLAMMED. It's been pure insanity. I'm hoping after this week, things will calm down. Whew!

I got my chalk board from Etsy last night! It is soooo cute and G loves it too! He thinks it's a great idea! I was so tired last night that I didn't take any pics (fail I know). I will take some tonight and update tomorrow!

Here is your inspiration for today. I know some of you are more down than others. I'm thinking of you all! ALWAYS! <3


  1. Been wondering why you so quiet! Can't wait to see the chalkboard pics! I think that's sooo cute!

    1. Thanks Patty! Yeah work has been overwhelming lately! I go home and I'm in bed by 8am. It's been ridiculous!

  2. Oooo I can't wait to see the chalkboard! I'm going to do the same when I get KU, it's such a cute idea! Sorry you've been so busy doll. Hopefully you can rest this weekend and take a breather. :)

    1. Thanks lady! They're calling for crappy weather here due to the left overs of hurricane Sandy. I'm planning to grocery shop early on Saturday and not leave my house the rest of the weekend. I want to relax, nap and stay inside while it's crappy out! :D

      I love that you're going to do this too when you get your BFP!

  3. Tell that hoar to hurry up back to work so we can play more!

    1. LOL! She'll be back in January. Is that quick enough for you? :D
