Tuesday, October 16, 2012

a rough day...

This is not how I intended today to go.

I'll keep this brief. One of my closest friends has been dealing with IF. She recently got pregnant with twins after her 4th clomid/IUI cycle. So exciting!

She went in today for her appointment and found out that she lost both of them. She was due in May. She had previously seen the heartbeats on both. She was 10 weeks.

I can not even begin to imagine the pain she is feeling. I don't even know what to say. I am at a total loss. I plan on sending her a text tomorrow letting her know that I'm thinking of her. I'll let her reach out to me after that when she's ready to talk.

I hope she finds strength in God as I believe he's the only person that will pull her through this. He will give her the strength.

If you have a moment, please say some prayers for her and her family. And of course, her angel babies that were taken far to early.



  1. Oh no! My heart breaks for her. That is so so sad. Ugh, I hate that she is having to go through this!!! :( My thoughts are with your friend.

    1. Thank you so much! I know she'll appreciate the T&P's! <3 you!

  2. I'm so sorry for your friend. Praying for her today!

    1. Thanks L! I know she appreciates it! I do too! <3 you!

  3. I'm so sorry for your friend. I'll be keeping her in my thoughts and hope that with friends like you, that she knows that she has people she can turn to during this difficult time.

    1. Thank you so much N! That's really sweet of you! I appreciate the T&P's for her. It's sooo sad.
