Tuesday, September 25, 2012

the before and after

I promised photos the other day of the before and after paint job. I apologize. I've worked two 11 hour days. I'm so behind. Seeing as I know tomorrow will be just as hectic, I'm making myself get this done tonight.

Here's a few before:

Walking into the study. Don't judge. We seriously have everything still packed up from last year when we moved in.

Before room corner shot - you can see the bay window and the french doors.
Here's the french doors into the study - we had the builder put these in so we didn't have to do it later - yes, we're lazy.

Drum roll.....here are the after:

Kind of uneventful; but that's what we got done. Painting is seriously a pain in the ass. Especially putting up all the painters tape. That really sucks! I'm really happy with how it turned out though. Will follow up with pics in November once our furniture is delivered so you can see the entire finished product.

Really looking forward to sharing some awesome pics later this week from my boss' baby shower we're throwing for her. It's a complete surprise, I even got her her parents and husband to come so I'm really excited. I can't wait to share the pictures of the cake! (WINKS at KK - we're totally going into business together!)


  1. Love that color!!! I'm a gray girl myself. Those windows give me eye-gasms btw. Your house looks so stunning!

    Before I was hitched I wanted to move to Virginia so badly! Ah!

    1. Thanks lady! We do love our house - I think if I ever leave it I will cry!

      I promise you - you aren't missing much with Virginia - it's pretty boring here. We just hear a lot on the news being so close to DC! :-)

  2. That looks great!! Pretty house lady!!

  3. ohhhh! Sooo pretty! I love love love that bay window!

    1. Thank you! I love the bay window too - but it is a HUGE pain in the ass to tape up! Glad I don't have to do that again! :-)

  4. That is awesome looking. You guys did a great job. Want to come and paint my house?

    1. hahahaha NO! I hate painting now! :-) Thanks girl! It was a lot of work!
