Wednesday, September 19, 2012

stick me

LOL! J/K - it's not like that at all!

Well, first acupuncture appointment is in the books. It was, interesting. I'm not sure what to think. I am 10000% going back but it was weird! It didn't hurt by any means, in case anyone was wondering. After my treatment was done, though, I felt weird. The acupuncturist said it was my "chi" cleaning out the toxins. My equilibrium was all off. I felt drunk and high. Something I haven't done since college. (Well, the high part, not really the drinking - don't judge. TTC, IMO, would make Jehovah Witness drink.)

Any who, I'm going back on Friday after work. He wants to me come twice a week during my current cycle to really help clear the "blockages" and "toxins." If I don't get pregnant this cycle, he said we'll do a new game plan. Okay. I'll try it. I'm on cycle 9, at this point, it can't really hurt can it?

As a side note, I did decline any of the supplements he tried to sell me. My willingness to try something new only goes so far. I honestly trust "western" medicine with that stuff. Other than my prenatal, I don't want to put anything in my body that I don't have to.

Yay! CD1! Every one's favorite day! I have my preparedness kit all ready:

Ohhh! Update on friends with babies!

Peachy is having a BOY! I swear I'm more accurate than the Chinese gender chart. I totally called that back when she got her BFP! So exciting! I can't believe she's already half baked! Can't wait to meet little Ethan!

My other friend, we'll call her A, (the one that was going through IF that I mentioned on Monday's post that is pregnant and had the REALLY high HGC count), well it's confirmed! TWINS! Yay! Hopefully I'm remembering this correctly I believe one was measuring 6w2d and the other was measuring 6w1d. She was able to hear a heartbeat on both too, which is fantastic. Her RE is already sending her back to OB (pending her final blood work) since she has no other risk factors and everything seems to be going well!

My bosses baby shower is a week from tomorrow - can't wait to share pics, ect.

Yes, I am inundated with friends that are expecting or have young ones. You know you're getting old when you're invited to more parties for kids than your friends....


  1. I'm glad you liked acupuncture! I bought in to the traditional Chinese herbs, but was quickly told by my RE not to take them so I quit. Your CD1 kit is awesome!! It looks exactly like mine!!

    1. hahaha thanks girls! The CD1 kit is imperative! Keeps us sane! And yes, I really liked the acupunture. I'm glad I stuck to my gut about the Chinese herbs - what your RE said just confirmed it! ;-)

      Any update yet about your appt? :::runs to stalk your blog::::

  2. Thanks for the update! I'm considering it for next cycle. I have someone lined up already ;)
    Fx for you!!

    1. Thanks Patty! FX for you too! I was really amazed at what detail they looked at my medical history. They really wanted to know a lot. I guess it helps guide them on what they need to work on. If you do decide to do it, I hope you enjoy it as well!

  3. I love your CD 1 kit. I might have to do something similar and to top it all off, I love cupcake wine! =)
