Monday, November 5, 2012

back from the land of MIA

I apologize. I know I've sucked last week. It was just one of those weeks. First there was Sandy/Frankenstorm which gave us two unexpected days off work. Then once we returned; our offices in New Jersey were still closed as they had no power. So bring on MORE WORK! Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I'm pretty sure I worked close to 14 hours. Each day. It sucked and I was exhausted. By the time Friday night came - I pretty much slipped into a coma for the rest of the weekend. I promise to be better this week!

I am happy to report that I am 7w0d today! Another exciting milestone! Halfway through first tri! yeah!!!

How far along? 7w0d
Total weight gain/loss? the same as last week.
Maternity clothes? not yet!
Stretch marks? nothing that I haven't come into this pregnancy with.
Sleep? I'm going to bed at 8pm almost every night. Some nights 8:30. I'm exhausted. All. The. Time.
Best moment last week? I made it another week!
Movement? Not for a long time...
Food cravings? not really craving anything. I started to feel nauseated again this past weekend.
Gender? I'm still having those strong girl vibes!
Belly button in/out? In for a long time.
What I miss: Pooping on the regular. Seriously. I'm backed up all the time. I hate feeling this way.
What I am looking forward to: My first appointment! Next week is blood work, three weeks until I get to hear the HB!
Milestones: Baby is now the size of a blueberry!

Here are the chalkboard updates and my pic. I couldn't get G out of bed to take a pic of me with both so they are separate this week! Sorry my pic is kinda blurry. I'm not that good at 5am.

Here is your daily inspiration - I am always thinking, praying and stalking all of you. I love you so much and I know all of you will get your rainbow!

Happy Monday Ladies - now off to stalk your blogs, charts, ect to find out what I've missed!


  1. There you are! Haha! Can't wait to hear about your first appt.! Glad you are okay after the Hurricane.

    T&P for you and your blueberry :)

    1. Thank you lady! I'm constantly checking for your updates! Many positive vibes for you with the RE! :D

  2. You look good for a 5am photo! Are you getting an ultrasound at your appointment next week?

    1. Thanks L! You're sweet! No, my appointment next week is just paperwork and bloodwork. My first u/s isn't until Nov 29th - exactly a week after Thanksgiving. I'll be almost 11 weeks at that point. But becuase I have no history, my doctor wouldn't see me before then.

  3. Yeah for blueberry Ramsey! Glad you're back to posting again. Hard to stalk you when you're MIA ;)

    1. Thanks lady - last week was crazy! I want to get back to my "normal" routine!
