Tuesday, November 13, 2012

back from the mini vacay

Florida was amazing! G just uploaded pics on FB (for those of you that are friends with me). I'll grab them tonight and upload some on here tomorrow. South Florida is like it's own little paradise. Really had a fantastic time. The wedding was small (about 70 people) but just the way they wanted it!

Holy crap! I'm 8 weeks! Who would've thunk it?!?!? I finally have my first appointment on Thursday. This is for blood work and paper work. Still no u/s for two more weeks. But I'm finally getting there. And I have enough going on over those two weeks that I think time will move quickly.

How far along? 8w1d
Total weight gain/loss? down 3lbs
Maternity clothes? not yet!
Stretch marks? nothing that I haven't come into this pregnancy with.
Sleep? I'm going to bed at 8pm almost every night. Some nights 8:30. I'm exhausted. All. The. Time.
Best moment last week? I made it another week!
Movement? Not for a long time...
Food cravings? not really craving anything. I have REALLY bad constipation and most food scares me because of it. I've added Metamucil to my diet and if it's not a fruit or veggie, I won't eat it. Thus the 3lb weight loss.
Gender? I'm still having those strong girl vibes!
Belly button in/out? In for a long time.
What I miss: Pooping on the regular. Seriously. I'm backed up all the time. I hate feeling this way.
What I am looking forward to: My first appointment! Thursday is blood work and paper work with the LNP (yes, I'll post an update but don't expect much).
Milestones: Baby is now the size of a raspberry!

Here's my 8w0d bump pic. Although the only bumps that seem to be growing are my boobs. I'm going to have to get new bras soon. I'm having "gaping" at the bottom of my bra. My boobs are just getting too big. Don't judge I had already washed my face for the night and in my pj's. G insisted I take a pic even though I didn't want to.

For all my KU and TTGP lovelies - I seriously think of you all the time. I say prayers for you every week at church. I really want the best for all of you. Here is your inspiration (even though it's late) for the day:


  1. Hooray for 8 weeks! Thanks for the inspiration and good vibes. Sending fiber your way! ;) ~stalker dar

  2. 8 weeks already! Yayyyy :) Love your inspiration & good vibes as...keep on sending them!

  3. How do the appointment go!? It was Thursday of this past week, right?
    Glad you loved my state. Hope it treated you well :) Yay for 8 weeks. Just trucking right along.
