Thursday, November 29, 2012

home office furniture is here!

okay so some of you remember that we were working on our home office since G works from home. You can get to the original post here. Well after a few more months of waiting our office furniture is here! Some of you might notice from that original post we went a completely different direction with the furniture. When we went to purchase, my husband went a completely different direction than what we originally planned for. What else is new! He's so fickle! I'm so excited to share with you the next stage in this project!

Walking into the office:

Some closer shots of the desks:

One with our model Cira who refused to get out of the way so we just decided to include her:


Our diplomas from college:

My husband can measure. The open spot was on purpose. He measured out for his master's degree he's currently pursing from the University of Virginia. He finishes his program next July so he decided to just create the space for it now instead of having re-measure and re-hang everything next summer. I thought it was a good idea.

The final step is to unpack all our boxes for this space. We have a chair, ect. Everything is in our basement and has been for the past year. I hope to get a dent in the unpacking this weekend! I will share the complete finished room with you! So far, so good!

Okay - I'm pretty sure everyone knows my first appointment is today. I will update as soon as I can. I promise. The good, bad or whatever it happens to be. My appointment isn't until 11:30 and I have a second appointment at 12:30 with my OB. So don't freak out if it takes me a while. I love you all and thank you for your continued support! <3


  1. I love that furniture so much! It looks amazing. Good luck at your appointment! I can't wait to hear about it!

  2. Beautiful furniture!! I'm so excited for you today!! I'll be thinking about you and can't wait for the update! Goodluck <3

  3. The furniture is beautiful!

    You will be in my thoughts today! GL with the appt! :) I can't wait to hear how it goes!

  4. WOW - that furniture looks great. I wants it. GL today! :)

  5. How did your appointment go?! I'm anxiously waiting to see you're precious little bean!

    1. I sent you a message on the bump because I couldn't find an email address on your page. <3

  6. Hey honey. Nice looking furniture! I need to redecorate my entire house. We have never had an actual room full of matching furniture except our bedroom suite.

    I also just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you. Hope you are having a better morning and that you take some time for yourself. Know that you are in my thoughts.

  7. Thinking of you! I hope you're doing OK!

  8. Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts. <3 Thinking of you.

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