Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Okay. I'm sorry. I owe everyone an apology. My work schedule has been so hectic lately that I haven't been keeping up. I feel so bad ladies. I'm really sorry. I've been stalking when I can so I know what's going on with everyone. I just haven't been keeping up my end of the deal. Every single one of you is in my weekly prayers at Church. That I can 10000% say I'm keeping up with.

So yay Thanksgiving?!?! Yes I say it like that since my in-laws are coming to town. This should be interesting. I just don't have much in common with them so sometimes conversation drags. Thank GOD my parents are coming to help me keep my sanity!

So first - I want to wish you all a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING! YUM!

Okay so I'm technically 9w1d but this update would've happened yesterday if work hadn't gotten in the way!

How far along? 9w1d
Total weight gain/loss? down 1lb (down 4 total since the start of pregnancy)
Maternity clothes? not yet!
Stretch marks? nothing that I haven't come into this pregnancy with.
Sleep? I'm going to bed at 8pm almost every night. Some nights 8:30. I'm exhausted. All. The. Time.
Best moment last week? I had my first appointment - it was really uneventful but it felt good! I'm assuming all my blood work came back negative (cystic fibrosis carrier, HIV and some other stuff that I can't remember) the doctor said they would have them by Monday and they would call only if there was a problem. I'm assuming all is OK!
Movement? Not for a long time...
Food cravings? ugh food still scares me because of the constipation.
Gender? I'm still having those strong girl vibes!
Belly button in/out? In for a long time.
What I miss: Pooping on the regular. Seriously. I'm backed up all the time. I hate feeling this way.
What I am looking forward to: Nov 29th. My first u/s followed by first prenatal check up with my OB!
Milestones: Baby is now the size of a green olive!
Obligatory bump pic from yesterday:

Don't hate on my bloat bump. It's really bad - I warned you! Also, you might note that my boobs are getting ginormous too. I need new bras. Stat.

Here is your inspiration for the day. I admittedly need it too. I'm nervous. I'm worried I'll get to my appointment next week and something will be wrong. Like no heartbeat. I've been good the past couple of weeks but now that I'm actually in the home stretch - it's scary. I can't explain it. Any extra T&P's you can spare would be appreciated. I'm so nervous now.

Special shout out to Patty on her BFP! Very happy for you lady! Now to stalk everyones blogs to see what's going on with them! I'm thinking of you ladies often!


  1. I'm so glad your first appt. went well and I can't wait to see your little one in the u/s! Wishing you so much luck! Have faith that all is well, friend!

    Thank you for the shout out! I'm so happy we have blogs to stalk each other! Haha!


  2. You look adorable as ever. Love the boobs :)

  3. Yay! I love reading your updates! <3 Hope work gets less hectic for you. I agree with KK; You look adorable.

  4. Everything will be great! Can't wait to see a blip pic u/s. You're looking amazing :)

  5. Thank you everyone for your positive vibes! I really appreciate it! I love you all - I'm not sure I'd keep my sanity without ya'll!
