Monday, November 26, 2012


The week has finally arrived! Thursday will finally get my first u/s to see my baby. I also have my first prenatal appointment with my OB right after that so I'll hopefully get to hear it on the doppler with her. I'm starting stress that something might be wrong. I'm a nervous wreck. This week can't go fast enough. My MIL didn't help any over Thanksgiving. She's talking about planning a shower, ect. I asked her to just calm down and wait until after our appointments but she wouldn't let up. G saw the frustration on my face and tried to run interference as much as he could. It's a challenge sometimes. Next time I get KU I'm not telling anyone until I'm out of first tri (other than you ladies - obvi!) because it's been too overwhelming for me.

Any spare T&P's for Thursday is greatly appreciated. I'm sooo nervous. I'm afraid I'm going to get there and there will be no HB. These are the irrational things that are going on in my head.

Okay on to more positive things! I'm 10w0d today! yay!

How far along? 10w0d
Total weight gain/loss? the same (down 4lbs totally since I found I was pregnant)
Maternity clothes? not yet!
Stretch marks? nothing that I haven't come into this pregnancy with.
Sleep? Still exhausted. Going to bed between 8-8:30 every night without fail.
Best moment last week? Surviving Thanksgiving!
Movement? Not for a long time...
Food cravings? Food still scares me because of constipation. Of course I had a bad bout of constipation over Thanksgiving with all the carbs. I've been eating only fruits and veggies again since then.
Gender? I'm still having those strong girl vibes!
Belly button in/out? In for a long time.
What I miss: Carbs. I really want pizza.
What I am looking forward to: THURSDAY!!! My first u/s followed by first prenatal check up with my OB!
Milestones: Baby is now the size of a prune!

Obligatory blump pics:

Yes, I covered my bloat - it really sucks! I can never get G to take my pic once I'm finally dressed on Monday's so here is a pic of me "put together" at work:

Lord do I have a booty!

Oh! Other exciting news to share - so remember the room that we painted and have been working on that will be G's office? (I did a post about it a month or two ago.) Well - the furniture is FINALLY being delivered tomorrow! I can't wait to show you guys the finished room! Finally the last of the boxes that have been in our home for a year will be gone!!! YAY! I hate clutter and messes big time! I really can't wait to share the pics of the room with y'all! G has needed this badly!

Here are our positive thoughts for the day. I'm psyching myself out so much I need to re-read these like 100000000 times. I hope you ladies are having a wonderful day!


  1. 1/4 of the way done! This seems to be going fast (from my perspective lol)!

    1. LOL! Thanks Jess! It's been going slow from my perspective but I think it's just b/c I haven't been able to see or hear anything yet. I'm thinking time will fly once I get past this week!

  2. Crossing my fingers for a great appointment this week!

    1. Thank you so much Kelly! I really appreciate the support!

  3. YAY! You are sooo cute! I am very excited for your appt this week! Everything will go great! <3

  4. Sending tons of good thoughts your way! Can't wait to see pics of baby R. :)

    1. Thanks sun! I appreciate the good vibes! <3 you!
