Tuesday, November 6, 2012

election day

I live in a swing state. I'm so over the ads, commercials, phone calls to my home & my mailbox being stuffed every.single.day.

So I REFUSE to post about the election. Just positive vibes for everyone - because our lives will go on no matter what happens with the election and our goals will all remain the same!

Thinking of you all - all the time! I'd be lying if I didn't say I miss my TTGP lovelies!


  1. I'm so over this election! I'm about to go vote and be done with it. I'm glad that you are not TTGP anymore, but I miss you too!! I barely go on there anymore because it's just to redic to handle. Have a great day!!

  2. I'm ready for the election to be over too! When has Ohio ever been so important? Geez. Miss your face around the board too. Like Laylarue said, it's crazy there lately.

  3. I live in Ohio and I am so ready for it to be over too! My mailbox has been insane lately.
