Wednesday, January 2, 2013

lost my water bottle already

Damn it! I seriously don't know what I did with it! I had it Monday when I went to work - but now it's no where to be found! This is going to make me insane today. Okay. That's my rant so far for 2013.

NYE was fun. But I had to "force" myself to have fun. I did okay until midnight. Unfortunately, I had one of those awesome "accidents" while out so after that (thank GOD I packed extra undies just in case) I just stayed in the room the rest of the night. (AF this time is very unpredictable and has been different from my "normal" which my doctor warned me about.) My mind started to wander about all the "what ifs" instead of trying to focus on the future. I know it's still going to happen from time to time.

Here is a pic of me and G before heading out NYE - I have no idea why my eyes look cross eyed.

Here is a pic of the all the girls in our group - this is all our pool hall friends that went out with. It's nice because the crowd is a little older than G and I. (We're the youngest in this group.) And most of them don't have kids and have no desire to have them. I avoid the dreaded kid questions - which is really nice.

This was before we all got too trashed. The end of the night was a hot mess. That's for sure.

When we got home, even Cira was exhausted:

Not sure what she did while we were gone, but clearly, she was wiped out too!

G and I have decided to try two more cycles on our own. I am headed to Target after work today to get my Progesterone script filled (per my doctor). If we aren't pregnant in two more cycles we will go get testing done with the RE. We'll decide based on the test results if we're going to move forward with "help." More about that later on - I have a lot of thoughts about getting help and most of it's religious based so I don't want to bore you/anger/offend anyone. I will say that church has really helped the healing process. I haven't missed mass on a Sunday since my m/c. I also haven't missed a Holy Day (I know you can insert your eye roll). But for me, I've found a lot of strength at church and really has helped me cope. It's been quite an emotional roller coaster and for whatever reason, faith has grounded me.

Okay, that's my soap box. Again, I don't want to offend anyone and I definitely don't want to push my religious beliefs on anyone.

Happy Wednesday - welcome to 2013! Let's make this our year!


  1. Damn water bottle!
    I'm sorry NYE had some ups and downs for you... 2013 WILL be an amazing year.
    Oh PS. BEAUTIFUL picture of you and your husband! (and I love love love sleepy, party animal - Cira!)

  2. I am sorry NYE had some shitty moments. But I am glad it was overall fun.

    I am super happy you and G came to a decision regarding TTC and the next few months. I hope you never have to go to the RE, dear. <3 you.

    I am glad your faith has made things easier for you. <3

    You can never offend me, lady! :P

  3. Love the pic of you two! So sweet :) You are totally entitled to talk about your religious beliefs on your blog! If anyone is offended they can choose not to read it. I hope one of the next few cycles is successful and you don't have to go down this road. <3 you!

  4. Stay strong! God has a special plan for you so trust in that. Hugs <3
