Tuesday, January 22, 2013

impatiently waiting on baby Ethan to get here...

Yup that's how I feel right now with regards to baby Ethan! My BFF from the TB is due any day now. Her real due date is Jan 31st but because of some things going on - baby Ethan might be here sooner! Please say a prayer for them both! Everyone wants a happy, healthy baby and an smooth delivery for momma! <3 you Peachy! I'm so freaking happy for you!

Once Ethan gets here I'll be all:

Not much going on here with me. More of the same stuff, different week. I've been taking progesterone since I O'd and it makes me feel like a zombie. Not like

but more like

That about sums up my experience with progesterone. My back is killing me which I know means that my period is coming. I think I'm going to stop the progesterone tonight. I really don't see the point of continuing to take it if AF is coming, but I know I won't stop taking it. I hate breaking rules and not following instructions. I'm such a wuss.

Continuing to work on the weight loss/getting healthy thing. It's been a fantastic distraction for me. I've officially signed up for two 5K's races - one at the end of March and one at the end of April. This is forcing me to get my ass back in shape. I've been doing really good with eating well and hitting my calorie goals. Now I just need to add the exercise for maximum weight loss.

G wants to try one more cycle on our own before I call the RE. I've agreed to that schedule for now. We'll see if I stick to it. Every time I agree I back pedal. It's like I'm in denial or something. We really should take advantage though -we have amazeballs insurance that even covers most of IVF if it came to that. We shall see.

Still no update on the puppy. We should know in the next week if we're getting one out of the current litter (they'll be 8 weeks on Jan 30th - that's usually when breeders have the best idea of what they've got puppy wise). If not, the next litter is due this week - that means a late March or early April homecoming. Either way - we're totally ready!!! So excited for our newest edition...


  1. YAYYY for peachy! I hope everything goes ok with baby Ethan!

    I'm with you on the zombie feeling. Every.single.night for the past 3 months. Rawr! FX for you this cycle, boo!

  2. I'm a little nervous about how this increase in progesterone will affect me. I was fine with 100mg, but 400mg is a big jump. I'll do what it takes, but shoving 4 pills up my lady parts a day is not so much fun.
    I've been around ttgp long enough that the ladies having babies now are some of the first Bfps I remember and it's fun. I get excited for them too!

  3. I feel more human reading this. Just the part that you had a moment of weakness. I really do look up to you and how strong you are!

  4. Sorry you are a zombie lol. I'm guessing you are on Prometrium oral right? My RE has me insert that exact same pill instead of swallowing it and it helps a lot with the drowsiness. Also, it's not as bad as the actual inserts (less messy).
