Friday, January 18, 2013

time to remove the dust...

mostly because I'm ODC and hate germs/dirt/messes. But mostly because I haven't blogged in what seems like forever!

Mostly it's because I've been insanely busy annd I've been having some issues inserting photos. I can't do a blog post without photos!!! I'm way to ADD for that!!!

Anyshit, I'm doing well. Mentally, I'm finally starting to move on from everything. The timing of everything was really rough with it being the holiday season. Too many people asking too many questions. I've been able to finally just have "me" time and mentally process everything. It also really helped that I ovulated this cycle. It confirms for me that my body reset itself the way it should. I think that was huge mental hurdle.

Since I reset myself some of you might be wonder "ZOMG! Did you try again this cycle?!?!?!" The answer is: sort of. We hit a couple of days in my fertile window, but we didn't go at it like we had during the past year. I think we are kinda meh at this point. It's a very humbling thing to hit a year TTC. It doesn't matter how/why you got there. You start questioning everything. I find myself saying a lot lately "maybe God doesn't want me to be a mother. Maybe I'm only going to be a mother to fur babies." I haven't decided if I'm OK with that yet.

G wants to "try" for two more cycles on our own. Since we hit days in my fertile window, this counts as one. If we're not KU by March, he wants to call the RE. I haven't made any decisions yet.

The only thing I really feel like I don't have much of is time. I'm going to be 32 in a couple of weeks. If by some miracle of God, I get pregnant this cycle, I'd be having a kid in early October. Feb cycle = November kid and so on. I so badly wanted to have a child sometime in my 32 year of existence. Now having one during my 33rd sounds like a stretch. I just don't feel like time is on my side.

So I'm taking my progesterone once I confirmed ovulation. My doctor told me to start it at 3DPO. It knocks me out. I stick it up there right before I go to bed (I'm all like did I go far enough?!?!?!?)

It's a much deeper hole than I ever imagined! ;-)

The only other symptom I've had is a lot of headaches. I suffer from chronic migraines so all the hormones are messing with me. Fortunately I haven't had a migraine from it yet (knock wood), and I've been able to sleep off all the other headaches. My doctor has me take it from 3DPO until 12DPO, test, then if it's negative, stop taking it so my BFF will show. I'm not sure I'm going to have to test though. I've been doing this long enough to know what PMS and stuff feels like. Unless progesterone changes all that. Which I'll find out in the future.

I am happy to announce that since I started eating better the day after Christmas I'm down 12lbs. I'm sure some of it has to do with all the emotional up and downs I went through. But I really changed my eating habits (still haven't gotten consistent on my running again). This is how I feel when I step on the scale:

It really does feel amazeballs!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Here's to sex, drugs and rock & roll!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo


  1. So glad you're blogging again. How else am I supposed to stalk you? ;)

  2. Heeeeeyyyy Lady! :) I am happy to hear you are doing better!

    Haven't talked to you lately! Miss you! <3

  3. Dang girl! 12lbs is a lot! Good for you :)

  4. Yayyy blogging again! I hear you on the age thing though, and remember I'm still older than you by about 5 months <3 Chin up!
