Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm on overload...

Many of you know, but I had my first RE appt yesterday. It's not a joke when they say it's information overload. I think I knocked out for a moment

It was a lot. But at least we have a plan now.

This is probably the best news I've gotten in a while. It's fantastic to know that we're working towards SOMETHING. The only weird part was when she was going over the testing, she wasn't going to order a SA for G. To my utter shock, he said something. She told him if he wanted one, she would do it, but based on our history, she doesn't think he has any issues. And for my second shock of the day - he said YES! Let's do it! Bless him.

So based on where I am in my current cycle, we have to wait for some stuff. BUT we did do a blood draw today for genetic screening. They test for 16 different types of chromosome abnormalities (cystic fibrosis for example). If I'm not a carrier of any of them, G doesn't have to get tested. We'll find out about those in two weeks.

We both have to go to the lab and get tested for HIV, Hep B, ect. He's actually got it done already yesterday. I needed to go back to work - but they're open this weekend so I plan to go first thing.

She scheduled my HSG based on when my next period comes. They do it between CD 5-12. Right now, mine would be scheduled on CD9. I have to call the nurse when I get my period to schedule my CD3 blood work. Of CD3 for next cycle is going to fall on a weekend which makes things tricky. But we'll get it done. G's SA is scheduled for next week after my FW is over (I'm 99% sure I'm Oing today). The doctor said they don't do 7DPO blood draw because they put everyone on progesterone since it "can't hurt, only help."

Lastly - we already have our follow up scheduled the first week in April. By then all our testing should be done and we'll meet to go over them and get a game plan together. Oh, and she was very happy about my charts. She loved it. She said they all looked great and was appreciative that I brought them in. (Another example of how charting really works and is a GOOD thing!)

I am being treated as a high risk patient because of recurrent losses. They believe that two back to back is cause for concern. She said that I might have "bad luck" and nothing is wrong, but it's time to get it checked out. If I do get pregnant, as far as my RE is concerned, I will be high risk. My OB usually doesn't consider this until you've had 3 straight losses, but we'll see. Only time will tell. I'm having a lot of genetic blood work done to rule out any type of genetic defects.

Overall yesterday was a pretty positive day. My PCP did call me late though. I had my annual physical last week. Apparently my Vitamin D level is quite low. Most people get Vitamin D from sun exposure, as it occurs naturally. But since I avoid the sun like the plague (I am one of the whitest white girls EVA), I might be able to be officially classified as a vampire.

(Disclaimer: I've never watched or read anything related to Twilight. This was just the first thing that came to my mind when I think of a vampire - since they're all up in the news lately.)

Anywho, my PCP wants to put me on high dose Vitamin D for 8 weeks, then take a regular vitamin with my prenatal (she knows we're TTC). I just don't know if it's OK for me to take these Vitamin D supplements while I'm going  through all this. I've read that it's important and OK but I'm emailing my nurse this morning at the RE's office....I'm impatiently waiting for her reply!! Please feel free to chime in if you know about this!

Okay, this is seriously enough for one day...


  1. I'm so glad you're appointment went so well. You're RE sounds amazing!

  2. Yay for a great appt!! As for the Vitamin D I am also very deficient in it. My RE says most of her patients are so I am on 4000iu's a day which is a lot! But, low Vitamin D levels have been linked to infertility. From what I've learned it just kind of throws off your hormones. I think it's a good idea to still ask the nurse about it since each dr is different.

  3. Awesome news! Glad everything went well :)

  4. So glad you had a great appointment and have a plan! :) I was/am Vit D deficient too...don't know much about it. I do know the generic Target brand pills I've been taking don't seem to do much for it! At least not for me...

  5. Girl! That is so funny you mention the white as a vampire thing because that's what people say about me. They say that the sun reflects off of my skin and that if I wear shorts/ tank tops that I blind people. I feel you. I don't avoid the sun entirely, it just doesn't coordinate with my schedule. =/ LOL

    So glad that you had a good visit, that you are getting testing and that you are working towards something. =) Hope you get your answers and a plan together soon! <3

  6. I'm glad your appt went great. Fingers crossed testing comes back good, and the vitamin d supplements help.

  7. I actually just asked a question on my blog of what to expect during your first RE appt, and this is exactly what I needed! I just scheduled one for May 7th.. Let the countdown begin!

    Also - I had blood tests done in December at my last OB/GYN appt and they said my vitamin D was low, so they put me on 1,000 IU's of vitamin D a day along with my pre-natal and she assured me this is a GOOD thing, no risk involved.

    Glad to hear you are making a step in the right direction! I can't wait to be doing the same!
