Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chirstmas Spirit

I haven't had an opportunity to share. Here's a pic of our 9ft. Christmas tree in our family room. I think we did a good job - and yes we needed a ladder to put the angel on the top!

I have photos I've snapped of our outside lights but of course I forgot those - you'll have to wait until tomorrow!

I'm about 97% done with my Christmas shopping. I have two things left to get. The rest is either at my house or is en route to my house. Yay! I love that I only went to the mall ONCE This entire Christmas season. It's really a great feeling!

Here's your daily inspiration - sorry to get all biblical on you. I hope it doesn't offend anyone. I have no interest in offending any one's beliefs - just trying to stay positive, upbeat and move on. Please feel free to contact me off line if something offends you!

Happy Tuesday - hope your day is wonderful!


  1. I am literally drooling over all of your gorgeous windows. The tree is beautiful, too!

    1. Thanks! We love our windows too - one of the reasons we got this house!

  2. Love the tree!! I'm almost done with Christmas shopping too! In the past I've done all the shopping the week of lol.

    1. LOL! I've been really bad about Christmas shopping in the past two; but I had some "free" time on my hands lately so I decided to keep myself busy and get to it instead of moping around! :D

  3. I love Philippians 4:13. My Mom actually has a bracelet with that verse engraved on it! You have such a pretty home. :)

  4. I looooove your decorations!! Now where are my cookies??? :)

  5. You have a beautiful home! I love your giant tree!! :)

  6. Your tree is beautiful and you have a gorgeous home. I don't even think a 9ft tree would fit in our house!
